1. I am an artist who works in the public realm. Sometimes, it's clear that I am an artist. Other times, it's in the background.
2. Looking for public art resources? Here is a link to a few I have worked on and others I find helpful.
3. I care about making meaningful and interesting places by engaging artists to create in those places. Check out some of my consulting work.
4. Public Art Exchange is a free network of people engaged in the field. Join us! I work on the programming committee, and you can see recordings of virtual events here.
5. If you like public transportation and wandering, visit Frick Fine Arts Library and check out my series As Far As I Can Go in their collection of artist books.
6. Compass Roses: Maps by Artists is opening at Opalka Gallery at Russell Sage College, Albany, NY in September 2025.
7. Have four minutes to watch a video about intuition and a tumbleweed? My gut says yes, you do.
8. Artist residencies give me time and space to reconnect to myself and my creative work. Three that changed my life for the better: Jentel, VCCA, Hypatia in the Woods.